A Fresh Start

September is here, a new school year has begun, and the season is brimming with possibility. While the days are still hot, even breaking records here, the shortening daylight hours hint that fall and cooler weather is just around the corner. The tomatoes, which have been coming in by the bushelful from the garden, are just starting to slow down. Days (and late nights) of canning still loom head, but the prospects of having a full pantry of sparkling jars of home-grown produce ready for winter is satisfying. It’s a busy season, and a season of change.

Like New Year’s, September is a time to freshen one’s perspective and make lifestyle changes. A time to let go of bad attitudes and practices that haven’t been working, and to try something new, be it a healthier way of eating or signing up for a workshop to learn a new language or skill.  Or, as the case may be, finally starting that new blog you’ve been dreaming about.

Perhaps there are many changes you’d like to make as you embrace a new season. Focus on just a few that are most important or will make the most difference (in a good way) in your life. Make a list, make a plan, and get started! Let nature’s cycle of change inspire you to be refreshed and renewed as you embrace change in your own life.

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